Your divorce is not over when you sign your Agreement. There are still important steps that you need to take to protect yourself moving forward and truly finalize your separation. Use the checklist below to help you organize the things that you need to do during this last stage of the divorce process.
What to do:
- Obtain several copies of the Final Judgment or Divorce Decree
- Obtain several copies of the QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order), if applicable
- Review every detail of the final Settlement Agreement with your attorney and your financial advisor
- Close any joint accounts (AFTER confirming that there no outstanding checks, debit balances or automatic withdrawals on the accounts)
- Open a new bank account
- Establish a separate credit history. Open a new credit card account
- Change any necessary titles (home, automobile, etc.)
- Make sure all property transferred was recorded properly with the county recorder’s office (homes, automobiles, boats, planes, etc.)
- Remove your spouse’s name from the mortgage, if applicable
- Change your name on all necessary documents and with all appropriate agencies (Social Security Administration, employer, driver’s license, passport, bank accounts, safe deposit boxes, credit cards, utility companies, insurance company, mortgage, post office)
- Change the beneficiaries on your life insurance policies and retirement accounts (unless life insurance is used to secure payments to your spouse)
- Revise health insurance coverage in accordance with the final divorce decree
- Execute a new will. Update your health care proxy and power of attorney documents
- Review tax consequences with your accountant or other tax professional
- Set up a process to record all payments and receipts of alimony and child support
“Realizing a successful divorce involves being educated about your options and realistic about your expectations.”